January 13, 2012

Women talk: How to handle your BOSS at workplace

Dealing with your boss at workplace is not as difficult as it seems. Nothing is more disparaging in the workplace than difficult bosses. Women at workplace have to struggle a lot to handle their bosses.

A difficult boss is an all-too-common phenomenon in the workplace. Establishing a healthy professional relationship with such a person can be a real challenge. Most common complaints women face in their workplace are poor communication; unrealistic demands; bad listening skills and lack of support.

In worst cases, combinations of all of these factors make it difficult for employer especially women to work under such bosses.  Every employee has a series of bosses over their working career. Hopefully, most of the bosses are competent, kind, and even, worthy of your trust and respect.

Women can stay in the good books and handle her boss by following few tips, mentioned below:

• If you are not agreeing with your boss, don’t start arguing or keep silent. Start your disagreement with politeness so that your boss will understand the issue clearly.

• If your boss has a difficult management style, you don't have to let their bad behavior go. You can respond just remember to stay professional.

• Finish a task before your boss asks for that. Your boss will love it if you are able to deliver work without him having to ask for it again and again.

• Women can also coddle in healthy jokes but it should be in limits. As it shows it is a clear sign that you are enjoying and giving your best.

• Women are sometimes less insistent than men and more soft-spoken at work. On many occasions, the bosses overload them with work as they know they will not reject. At that situation, a woman employee must learn to say ‘NO’ to their bosses if necessary.

The healthiest way to handle the boss is direct conversation. You should try to understand the reasons for your boss's difficult behavior. Discuss the points which you think are affecting you and your work because of his behavior and conduct. We just need few endeavors and efforts to make our boss, “THE PERFECT BOSS.”

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