October 5, 2012

Finding The Guru Within

Every sentient human being has within them their own personal guru, their own inherent link to abundant inner wisdom, strength, creativity, self belief and ability.

Needless to say though, there are times in life when circumstances conspire to make these words seem meaningless and improbable. Someone approaches your desk and brusquely hands you a note informing you that you've been downsized and your services are no longer required.

Or you receive a text from your lover telling you that he or she has found someone else and that your relationship is now over. Or you learn that that sale you'd so avidly hoped to close has fallen through.

It's at times like these that the realization or appreciation of your own inner potential to achieve success and fulfilment seems somehow invalid, as if the idea of maintaining a positive focus on things comes from nothing but wishful thinking and daydreaming, and that a negative or pessimistic outlook equals "realism".

"Reality" is, however, largely whatever you make of it. Simple and easy to say perhaps, but we all inwardly know that it's true. No matter how bad your immediate situation or overall circumstances are or may seem to be, there really is nothing to be gained by allowing yourself to wallow in despair, worry, self pity or anger. Negativity can only by its very nature produce more negativity.

The opposite holds equally true. If you train your mind, your consciousness, to habitually impose positivity onto your thought processes then as surely as night follows day you gradually find that a positive mindset becomes more and more natural to you.

And as you naturally and instinctively come to see life's glass as being half full and not half empty, you will find yourself experiencing more and more positive outcomes in your day to day life.

This is because when you encounter challenges and problems and view and approach them with a positive frame of mind you are likely to find that the solution - whatever it may be - is in a sense right under your nose. The potential for success or failure in dealing with problems doesn't lie within the problem itself, but in how you mentally react to it.

Tapping Into The Source

Deep down and latent within you, you have the power and the potential to deal with and overcome any problem that life throws at you. And not only that, but to come through it better, smarter and stronger than you were before.

Deep down - subconsciously - you already know what the answer or solution to any problem or difficulty is. The question is, how do you tap into this knowledge and put it into practice in your day to day life?

This is done by connecting with the subconscious itself. If there is some aspect of yourself or your life that you want to change or improve, or if you're struggling with some particular problem, take out a period of around 10 minutes, once or better twice a day, every day, to get yourself comfortable and relaxed.

Then close your eyes, regulate your breathing and then use your imagination to picture in your mind images of yourself being or doing whatever it is that you want to do or be, or successfully overcoming whatever problem might be troubling you.

Use also your emotional imagination with this, so that you're not only seeing yourself in your mind overcoming the problem, but also feeling what it's like to succeed over it. Feel this in such a way that it's happening right now, already, and not as something you hope will happen in the future.

If you keep doing this every day for anywhere between a few days and a couple of weeks, you'll find that the desired change will be starting to come about, or that the solution to your problem will present itself to you, either in your own mind or as a result of some "coincidence" of events or meetings.

The significance and power of the mind is often overlooked and underestimated, mostly by those who know little about it. Learn how to access the power of your subconscious - your personal guru - and you will find yourself living the positive reality of your life.

- Deepak Bhatt, October 5, 2012

- Photo Courtsey: Google

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